Open 9 am - 6 pm

Beirut, Lebanon

Open 9 am - 6 pm

Beirut, Lebanon

Open 9 am - 6 pm

Beirut, Lebanon


See below the shipping rates (per kg) and Customs & VAT fees you will be charged every time you place an order from USA to Lebanon. 

  • Air Cargo

    $19/kgfor all packages

    23% Customs & VAT2-3 weeks delivery time


You will receive an instant delivery quotation with two payment options. Confirm your preferred method of payment and your order will be processed.

  • 1. Cash on Order

    Pay upon confirming the order(more affordable payment option)

    Visit our office to pay cash on order or send payment via OMT

  • 2. Cash on Delivery

    Pay upon receiving the order(more flexible payment option)

    Pay cash on delivery when the package arrives at your doorstep in Lebanon